Up to $50 per page!

Welcome to the Best Freelance Writing Community!

Tired of working in the office? Looking for additional sources of income? Let your knowledge and passion work for you. ProficientWriters.com is a newly developed freelance writing community that offers both part and full time career solutions for qualified professionals.

We are willing to put their writing and editorial experience into practice. If you hold Bachelor, Master or PhD degree and want to join a team of academic writing experts, you have a wonderful opportunity to apply for writer and editor positions at our agency.


Basic Requirements

  • Excellent writing skills
  • Fluent English
  • Bachelor, Master or PhD degree
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
  • Basic knowledge of academic writing styles (MLA, APA, Chicago)
  • Computer Literacy

Job Duties

  • Writing essays, academic papers, research projects, and other college and university assignments
  • Strictly following deadlines and paper instructions
  • Communicating with clients and support team members
  • Revising orders upon request.
  • Basic knowledge of academic writing styles (MLA, APA, Chicago)
  • Constantly check for incoming emails from the company


  • No entrance fees
  • Flexible schedule
  • Up to $30 per page
  • Guaranteed privacy
  • Phone and e-mail support
  • Payment method: PayPal or Western Union

ProficientWriters.com guarantees an interesting and challenging experience in various areas of your proficiency, high wages and timely payments, a friendly and professional support team.

Sign up and our agent will contact
you within 24 hours.

Just get it started and you will see how easy it can be.

Apply Now